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J Health Info Stat > Volume 35(1); 2010 > Article
J Health Info Stat 2010;35(1):73-87.
몽골이주노동자 미성년 자녀들의 건강상태와 장애요인에 관한 연구
박현주 , 오희철 , 이자경 , 설동훈
A study on the health conditions and problems among Mongolian migrant workers` children in Korea
Hyoun-Ju Park , Hee Choul Ohrr , Ja Kyoung Lee , Dong Hoon Seol
The purpose of the study is to investigate the general health conditions among children of migrant workers in Korea and to make valid suggestions in implementing policies in related fields.
A sample of the study consists of 89 migrant children and 321 Korean children of same age group living in the same region, and they were asked about subjects concerning social characteristics and health-related issues. Findings were analyzed by the SAS 8.0 system, and a chi-square test and a t-test were conducted to define any relational components among variables.
Male migrant children showed significantly higher score in the area of cognitive perception than the female counterpart, and a strong relation was noticed between sense of self-esteem and social support. Duration of migration was also found to be another positive element promoting positive self-awareness.
The findings suggest some valid components to be considered, however, the study recommends a more systematic research in order to promote an awareness of their anthropological and social characteristics and to implement social programs and other health-related policies.
Key words: migrant children, health-promoting Lifestyle behaviors, migrant worker
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