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J Health Info Stat > Volume 38(2); 2013 > Article
J Health Info Stat 2013;38(2):23-36.
치과 진료실 감염관리 지표에 대한 실천정도의 연구
A Study on Practice of Infection Control Index in Dental Office
Kyoung Ok Yun
This study aims to find out the general characteristics of dental hygienists related to practice of infection control in dental office.
A questionnaire survey was performed to the dental hygienists who participated in the refresher training conference held by the Daejeon City Commission in October 2012. A total of 171 questionnaires were collected and the data were analyzed using PASW 18.0 Cross-tabulation analysis (χ2) which significance level was 0.05 was applied to the data in order to verify the statisict al significance of the survey method.
In terms of compliance with general routine requirements for infection prevention in dental office, the proportion of respondents who chose the answer ‘Use protective goggles and apron for apparatus washing’ was the largest (77.7%), while the proportion of those who chose the answer ‘always pretreat apparatus with disinfection solutions’ was equivalent to 49.1%. Regarding disinfection to the surface of dental unit chair and waterline, the respondents who chose the answer ‘I sometimes perform surface disinfection’ accounted for the largest proportion, 64.3%, and those who chose the answer ‘I do not cover surfaces’ accounted for 43.3%.
Based upon the findings summarized above, it is concluded that preventive and proactive actions made and taken by dental hygienists for the sake of dental infection control contribute greatly to preventing nosocomial cross infections and providing safer hospital settings for both patients and dental care professionals.
Key words: Dental hygienist, Dental infection, Dental waterline, Surface disinfection
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