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J Health Info Stat > Volume 39(2); 2014 > Article
J Health Info Stat 2014;39(2):64-77.
폐경 후 여성의 요추골밀도와 대퇴골경부골밀도 관련 요인
이강용 , 김판수 , 감신
Related Factors in the Bone Mineral Density of the L-spine and Femoral Neck of Postmenopausal Women
Kang Yong Lee , Pan Soo Kim , Sin Kam
This study was performed to investigate related factors in bone mineral density of both the L-spine and femoral neck of post menopausal women.
This study was carried out by analyzing the data of 224 subjects who were examined with a bone mineral density (BMD) at Young Cheon City Health Center during the period from January 2011 to December 2012. 224 postmenopausal women over 50 years old were measured for their age, height, weight, body mass index, lipid profile, previous medical history, physical activity and dairy product intake.
Among the postmenopausal women, 33.9 percent of the subjects had a normal bone mineral density of their lumbar spines. The mean bone mineral density of their lumbar spines of post menopausal women was -1.37±1.34 g/㎠. 26.3% of the subjects had a normal bone mineral density of their femoral neck. The mean bone mineral density of the femoral neck of post menopausal women was -1.53±0.90 g/㎠. In multiple regression analysis, age, body mass index, drinking and dairy intake were significantly related with the bone mineral density of L-spines, and bone mineral density of femoral necks was significantly related with age and body mass index ( p<0.05).
After their menopause, women undergo rapid loss of bone mineral density. Hence, they need to prevent osteoporosis before their menopause, especially. It would be important to maintain an adequate body mass index. The postmenopausal risk factors of osteoporosis should be analyzed to prevent osteoporotic fractures, which would cause socio-economic losses and even mortality.
Key words: Bone mineral density (BMD), L-spine, Femoral neck, Postmenopausal women
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