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J Health Info Stat > Volume 32(1); 2007 > Article
J Health Info Stat 2007;32(1):49-70.
맞춤형 운동프로그램이 대학생의 건강과 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향
Effects of the Tailored Exercise Program on Health and Life Satisfaction in College Students
Boc Nam Park
This study was to identify the effects of the tailored exercise program on the physical health, psycho-social health and life satisfaction of the college students.
The subjects consisted of a total of 53 students of a college in one city. They were divided into two groups; 28 into the experimental group and 25 into the control group. The tailored exercise program was carried out for 10 weeks from Feb. 2006. The collected data was analyzed by the SPSS 11.0 program.
Physique and physical strength, there was no significant difference between two groups with the passage of time. Subjective health was markedly improved after10-weeks program. In terms of physical characteristics (Z = -3.18, p =.001), depression (Z = -2.35, p = .019), and anxiety (Z = -3.22, p = .001), all participants of the experimental group showed a significant difference 10 weeks later, while the control group did not show any difference at all. In terms of life satisfaction, the experimental group showed a statistically significant difference with the passage of time (Z = -2.01, p = .045). In the comparison of the mean between two groups, life satisfaction of the experimental group was more improved than that of the control group (U = 203.00, p = .007).
The tailored exercise program was effective in improving health habits, psycho-social health, and life satisfaction in college students.
Key words: Tailored exercise program, Health, Life satisfaction
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