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J Health Info Stat > Volume 36(1); 2011 > Article
J Health Info Stat 2011;36(1):77-93.
일 보건대학 재학생의 헌혈실태와 헌혈부적격 영향요인 조사
박복남 , 서문숙 , 양병선
A Study on Factors Affecting of Unqualified Donors and Blood Donation at Health College
Boc Nam Park , Moon Sook Suh , Byong Seon Yang
The purposes of this study were to survey of blood donors and analysis factors affecting of unqualified donors at health college.
We collected data 213 students of J health college in J city by using the questionnaire from December 5 to December 7, 2007. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS 11.5 program with t-test, Chi-square and logistic regression.
The total number of blood donors was 473, among which 221 (46.7%) were qualified as eligible donors and 252 (53.35%) were unqualified at 2006. And the number of qualified as donors was 288 (43.0%) by the total number of 670 and among which 382 (57.0%) were unqualified at 2007. The unqualification rates were 80.5% (2006) and 59.0% (2007) for the Low specific gravity of blood. Factors affecting deferral donation were gender (OR = 6.76, p = .013), grade (OR = .04, p < .0001), department (OR = 3.38 p = .004), age (OR = 4.92, p < .0001), BMI (OR = 2.70, p = .027), regular meals (OR = 2.12, p = .012), after menstrual period(OR = 2.20, p = .017) and experience of donation (OR = 1.93, p = .019).
It is necessary to educate donor eligibility criteria for college students. We must develop health education program to maintain regular health habits.
Key words: Blood donors, Unqualified donors, College students
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