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J Health Info Stat > Volume 36(2); 2011 > Article
J Health Info Stat 2011;36(2):172-183.
스마트폰이 대학생들의 건강생활행태에 미치는 영향
나연경 , 남혜인 , 박경원 , 우남현 , 윤유라 , 장미경 , 전민아 , 조현경
The Effect on Well-being Behavior of University Students by Using Smart Phone
Yeon Kyung Na , Hye In Nam , Kyung Won Park , Nam Hyun Woo , Yu Ra Yoon , Mi Kyung Jang , Min A Jeon , Hyun Kyung Cho
The purpose of this study was to investigate how the smart phones influence on well-being behavior of university students.
The data were collected from 204 university students, those answered questionnaires from August 20, 2011 to September 3, 2011. The collected data were analyzed by using SPSS 19.0 program with t-test and ANOVA.
The well-being behavior was classified into dependence, obsession, disorder, compulsion. The mean value of all the questions was 2.1 9(sd=l.23), compulsion (mean=2.46) was the highest among the elements, Gender significantly affected the dependence (p=0.00l) and compulsion (p0=0.0l2), Major field of study affected the dependence (p=0.004) and disorder (p=0.003), Using time showed the significant difference in dependence (p=0.006) and compulsion (p=0.005). There was not significant between major usage and well-being behavior,
The result suggest that smart phone affects on well-being behavior in university students and it is related to gender, major field of study and using time.
Key words: Smart phone, Well-being behavior, University students
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