J Health Info Stat 2015;40(3):20-32. |
과체중,비만 아동의 우울감에 영향을 미치는 요인 |
하영미 , 양승경 |
Original Article : Factors Affecting on Depressive Symptom in Overweight or Obese Children |
Yeongmi Ha , Seungkyoung Yang |
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify the factors affecting on depressive symptom in overweight or obese children by examining relationships between body image, weight related teasing, self perception, and depressive symptoms. Methods: From July to August 2014, overweight or obese children with the fifth-sixth grade (n=157) were recruited from four elementary schools. Self-reported questionnaires consisted of items including general characteristics, body image, weight teasing from peer, self perception profile, and depressive symptom. The collected data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, pearson``s correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. Results: The mean score of body image was 2.43(±1.10), weight teasing from peer 1.94(±2.75), self perception profile 2.83(±0.38), depressive symptom 1.42(±0.66). As results of multiple regression analysis, the factors affecting on depressive symptom in overweight or obese children was self perception profile (β=-0.43, p<0.001) and subjective happiness(β=-0.25, p=0.001). Conclusions: Based on the findings that self perception profile and subjective happiness significantly have influenced depressive symptom of overweight or obese children, there is a need to develop self perception profile strengthening program and happiness improvement program for them. |
Key words:
Overweight, Body image, Teasing, Self concept, Depression |