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Table of Contents | , 1987  Vol. 12  No.1 Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive
In this issue:

1 A Fundamental Study on C. A. I. for Education of Statistics
Tae Rim Lee
J Health Info Stat.1987;12(1):1-14.
14 Statistical Methods Used in Korean Abridged Life Tables
Chang Gok Chang
J Health Info Stat.1987;12(1):14-22.
22 Analysis of Population Structure in Korea ( 1955 - 2000 )
Byoung Jun Yoon
J Health Info Stat.1987;12(1):22-30.
30 Study on the Sex Ratio of Live Births in Korea
Sung Chul Shin
J Health Info Stat.1987;12(1):30-41.
41 A Study on the Development of the Design of the Medical Sample Survey for Health Statistics
Jung Nam Hwang
J Health Info Stat.1987;12(1):41-55.
55 A Study on the Proportion Change of Uncensored Sample in Survival Analysis with an Application of Mantel - Haenszel Statistic
Key Wook Bae , Seoung Wook Lee
J Health Info Stat.1987;12(1):55-63.
63 A Study on the Group Conflict between Nurses and Aid - Nurses in General Hospitals
Youn Woo Han , Eung Ik Kim
J Health Info Stat.1987;12(1):63-74.
Editorial Office
The Korean Society of Health Informatics and Statistics
680 gukchaebosang-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu, 41944, Korea
E-mail: koshis@hanmail.net
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