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Table of Contents | , 2004  Vol. 29  No.1 Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive
In this issue:

3 A Study on Depression and its Related Factors among General High School Students
Hea In Seo , Seung Wook Lee
J Health Info Stat.2004;29(1):3-15.
15 Relation between Blood Pressure Level and Health related Physical Fitness of Middle-age Women
Lak Seong Son , Kyung Sik Choi
J Health Info Stat.2004;29(1):15-24.
25 Comparison of Efficiencies of Case-Control Designs Derived from a Cohort Study of Colon Cancer
Hae Hiang Song , Sam Sook Kim
J Health Info Stat.2004;29(1):25-37.
37 The Study on the Relationship between Health Concern, Health Behavior, and Subjective Health Cognition
Chi Keun Yoon
J Health Info Stat.2004;29(1):37-47.
47 A Study for the Conceptual Difference on the Medical Services of General Hospital
Chang Eun Lee
J Health Info Stat.2004;29(1):47-57.
57 Determinants of Satisfaction on Health-related Websites
Ki Nam Jin , Jae Yeon Lee , Jyung Yun Gong , Ji Sun Lee
J Health Info Stat.2004;29(1):57-67.
67 The Study on Health-Related Physical Fitness According to Blood-Lipid Level of Middle Age Women
Kyung Sik Choi , Rak Seong Son , Min Ho Yu
J Health Info Stat.2004;29(1):67-77.
77 Cognition and Attitude of University Students Visiting Health Center and it`s Utilization
Joong Myung Choi , Bong Keun Choe , Tai Young Yoon , Soon Young Park
J Health Info Stat.2004;29(1):77-85.
Editorial Office
The Korean Society of Health Informatics and Statistics
680 gukchaebosang-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu, 41944, Korea
E-mail: koshis@hanmail.net
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