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J Health Info Stat > Volume 35(1); 2010 > Article
J Health Info Stat 2010;35(1):1-16.
CDH1 유전자 다형성 -160C>A와 대장결장암 발생에 관한 정량적 메타분석
조재승 , 유미경 , 박은정 , 설재웅 , 지선하
Cadherin-1 (CDH1) polymorphism and the risk of colorectal cancer: A meta-analysis
Jae Seong Jo , Mi Kyung Lyu , Eun Jung Park , Jae Woong Sull , Sun Ha Jee
Conflicting results on the association between cadherin-1 (CDH1) gene-160C>A polymorphism and risk of colorectal cancer have been reported. In order to clarify the effect of CDH1 polymorphism on the risk of colorectal cancer, we intended to perform a meta-analysis using published data.
We attempted to search English literatures for all literat of possible effects of CDH-1 gene on colorectal cancer in human published prior to February 2010. We used a random effect model to perform a meta-analysis of 6 case-control studies that provided information related to the effects of CDH1 gene on colorectal cancer.
In a meta-analysis, a total of 13,278 participants (case: 6,603, control: 6,675) were included from selected 6 studies. From 5 studies for CDH1-160C>A (rs16260) in relation to colorectal cancer, when compared with the reference genotype, the odds for CA genotype was 0.919 (0.858, 0.985; p=0.017), whereas the odds for AA genotype was 0.800 (0.704, 0.909; p=0.001). Similarly, from 2 studies for CDH1-347G>A (rs5030625) in relation to colorectal cancer was 1.331 (1.029, 1.722; p=0.029).
Our findings support that CDH1-160C>A is significantly associated with colorectal cancer risk. Further studies are needed.
Key words: Gene, Colorectal cancer, Cadherin-1, meta-analysis
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