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J Health Info Stat > Volume 35(1); 2010 > Article
J Health Info Stat 2010;35(1):29-40.
일개 대학 여대생에서 일차성 월경곤란증과의 관련된 생활습관, 스트레스, 월경력 및 식습관
이가현 , 정휘수 , 이동욱 , 박기흠
Life style, stress, menstrual history and dietary habits related to primary dysmenorrhea in a college women
Ga Hyeon Lee , Hwee Soo Jung , Dong Wook Lee , Ki Hm Park
Objective: Primary dysmenorrhea is a common gyecological problem in young women. We conducted this study to investigate the relations between life style, stress, menstrual history, dietary habits and primary dysmenorrhea.
563 college women were participated in a cross-sectional study conducted between March 2 and 6 2009. The severity of dysmenorrhea in participants was assessed by the multidimensional scoring system reported by Andersch and Milson. State of stress, smoking and drinking, dietary habits as regularity of meal, breakfast and the consumption per week for soy, milk, egg, meat, fish, fruit and coffee were examined Result: 482 (85.6%) had any degree of dysmenorrhea and 183 (32.5%) had severe dysmenorrhea. Severe dysmenorrhea was related to high stress (OR=2.537, 95% confidence interval: 1.688-3.807), smoking (2.157, 1.048-4.437), earlier menarche than 13 years old (1.660, 1.138-2.420), and family history of dysmenorrhea (1.635, 1.161-2.304). No relations emerged between dietary habits, consumption of food and severity of dysmenorrhea,
Primary dysmenorrhea is common in college women and severity of dysmenorrhea is related to stress, smoking, earlier menarche and family history of dysmenorrhea.
Key words: primary dysmenorrhea, stress, dietary habit, smoking
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