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J Health Info Stat > Volume 36(1); 2011 > Article
J Health Info Stat 2011;36(1):123-137.
공공부문 u-Health 서비스 효과성 분석
이재국 , 류시원 , 송태민
Evaluation the Effectiveness of u-Health Service in Public Area
Jae Gook Lee , See Won Ryu , Tae Min Song
This study was to evaluate the effectiveness of u-Health service in public area based on an extended technology acceptance model (TAM), and test the acceptance behavior of the u-Health service.
Data were surveyed from the experienced of u-Health service for three months (7.1~9.30, 2010) in Seocho city, Seoul, Korea. We measured personal innovativeness, subjective norm, output quality, and perceived playfulness with likert-scale multiple items, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward use, and the behavioral intention as mediator variables; and actual use and u-Health loyalty were used as dependent variables.
The results were as follows; Service quality of u-Health in public area was the significant key factor to the usefulness, the ease of use. Most of the hypotheses from the original model of TAM were supported. Behavioral intention significantly affected actual and continuing use of u-Health service. TAM variables mediated between independent variables and dependent variables.
We evaluated u-Health services for public health management by survey data from the users. The quality of u-Health service was significantly effective by controlling the other influencing factors. Results will be useful for decision making about u-Health service in public area.
Key words: u-Health service, Evaluation, Service quality, Public health, Structural equation modeling, SEM
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