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J Health Info Stat > Volume 38(1); 2013 > Article
J Health Info Stat 2013;38(1):143-154.
AHP모델을 사용한 의료기기 표준진행 우선순위 연구
이용희 , 김순석 , 이성기
A Study on Priority for Standardization of Healthcare Devices Using the AHP Model
Yong Hee Lee , Soon Seok Kim , Sung Kee Lee
In order to develop standards for interoperability between healthcare and medical systems, we performed the study to decide the priority for standardization of healthcare and medical devices using the analytic hierachy process (AHP) method and statistical analysis.
This paper aims to select items to proceed preferentially standardized with devices except medical devices, which is in progress or published the international standardization. We proceed and analyzed the survey is divided into four areas, the national strategy aspects for health and medical industry, the technical aspects of medical devices, the market expansion aspects, and technological spillover aspects.
We show the results based on AHP model and the statistical analysis. Firstly, the standard deviation was calculated to understand the average and deviation among respondents regarding the priority of products` significance. Next, the awareness degree of the need for medical device standards was obtained and compared through statistical analysis. Also, we got the critical points by four kinds of pair-wise comparisons.
The results of this study can be utilized for the development of medium-and long-term planning and standardization policy of the domestic medical industry.
Key words: AHP, U-health, Standardization, ANOVA, Medical device
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