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J Health Info Stat > Volume 38(2); 2013 > Article
J Health Info Stat 2013;38(2):75-84.
자연사 및 외인사의 계절변동에 관한 연구
박상화 , 임달오
Seasonal Variation of Natural and External Causes of Death in Korea
Sang Hwa Park , Dar Oh Lim
The purpose of this study was to examine the seasonal variation between natural cause of death, external cause of death, and intentional self-harm and month and season.
We evaluated the monthly and seasonal changes on natural cause of death, external cause of death, and intentional self-harm in Korea. The analysis was based on data of 258,994 deaths from 2011 vital statistics of Korea.
Number of average death in one day was 623 in natural causes of death (NCD), 46 in external causes of death (ECD) and 46 in intentional self-harm death (SHD). The death rate per 100,000 was 446.3 in NCD, 32.7 in ECD and 31.4 in SHD. There was a significant difference between gender, month & season and distribution of internal & external cause of death (p<0.01). Gender ratio (male/female) of death rate was 1.16 in NCD and 2.20 in ECD and 2.15 in SHD, and coefficient of variation of death was 7.5, 16.0 and 23.1, respectively. In the incidence of cause of death by season, NCD was highest in the winter (26.7%), ECD and SHD was highest in the summer (26.1%, and 28.9%, respectively).
Adjusting to the varied lengths of each month, we used mean number of death per day. There was a winter peak (673.4 deaths) and summer trough (578.8 deaths) for NCD, and summer peak (48.3) and spring trough (43.9) for ECD, and summer peak (51.5) and winter trough for SHD (35.8).
Key words: Seasonal variation, Monthly variation, Natural and external causes of death
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