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J Health Info Stat > Volume 38(2); 2013 > Article
J Health Info Stat 2013;38(2):84-95.
미취업 정신장애인의 건강상태, 경제수준, 직업능력이 취업의사에 미치는 영향
이현경 , 최승순 , 안지영
The Impact of Health Condition, Economic Status, and Vocational Ability on Willingness to Work: Targeting Unemployed People with Mental Disabilities
Hyun Kyung Lee , Sung Sun Choi , Ji Young An
The purpose of this study was to explore influencing factors associated with willingness to work targeting unemployed people with mental disabilities in Korea.
Data for this study were obtained from the 2011 panel survey of employment for the disabled. Mentally disabled people only who had no job (n=78) were included in this study. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, χ2-test, and hierarchical multiple logistic regression. For the analyses, SPSS ver. 20 was used.
The main findings were as follows. Men in their 40s and high school graduates were dominant in this study. Overall, their socio-economic status was very low. The majority responded that their interpersonal/ organizational skills were far below average. In the hierarchical logistic regression models, subjective health condition was the only variable which was statistically significant to willingness to work.
Based on these findings, it is important to provide government-led community-based health promotion and vocational rehabilitation programs for unemployed people with mental disabilities. In addition, considering the characteristics and nature of mental disabilities, psycho-socially supportive as well as physically friendly environments should be developed.
Key words: Mental health, Mental disabilities, Psychiatric rehabilitation, Vocational rehabilitation, Willingness to work
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