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J Health Info Stat > Volume 40(1); 2015 > Article
J Health Info Stat 2015;40(1):14-24.
장애가 없는 평균여명에 관한 고찰
Review on the Disability Free Life Expectancy
Byoung Jun Yoon
Health expectancy, an intuitive and meaningful summary measure combining the length and quality of life, has become a standard in the world for measuring population health. The purpose of this study is to review on the disability free life expectancy (DFLE).
This article critically reviews the literature and practices around the world for measuring and improving DFLE and synthesizes that information as a basis for recommendations for the adoption and adaptation DFLE. The DFLE estimates in this article were derived from the 2014 Eurostat Statistics Database and 2014 world health statistics of World Health Organization.
Korean and British have a same life expectancy 81 years in 2012. But Korean have a longer healthy life expectancy than British: 73 and 71 years, respectively. If we consider life without disability, Korean live 90.1% of their years without disability, British only 87.8%. At a European level similar data can be found: on average women live longer but have a worse longer time of life with disability.
Different classifications of healthy and unhealthy states could result in substantial differences in healthy life expectancy. Some caution should be exercised in defining health status.
Key words: Health expectancy, Disability free Life expectancy, Life expectancy
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