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J Health Info Stat > Volume 40(1); 2015 > Article
J Health Info Stat 2015;40(1):37-50.
통계적 품질 관리도 기법을 활용한 혈액수급관리
고찬규 , 김민경 , 양원모 , 정문영 , 황형태 , 이성임 , 강주형 , 오진아 , 최영실
A Study on Blood Inventory Management based on Statistical Quality Control Chart
Chan Kyu Ko , Min Kyung Kim , Won Mo Yang , Mun Yeong Jeong , Hyung Tae Hwang , Sung Im Lee , Ju Hyeong Kang , Jin A Oh , Young Sill Choi
The purpose of this report is to monitor the status of blood management based on blood supply, usage, and wastage data provided by Korea Blood Inventory Monitoring System (KBIMs).
KBIMs is the ongoing national surveillance system for blood management. The current report includes data from 25 sentinel hospitals during 2009-2012 years. In this sample, the data collected in each hospital were summed and defined on the weekly basis for the use of the control chart.
Since the amount of blood usage covers over 99 percent of the supply, they appear to have similar control chart patterns. Blood type A, B and O show obvious shifts in mean supply and usage which occur beyond the center line in 2012. Blood wastage is out of control in 2010 and 2012. Interestingly, this does not occur in the winter season and the pattern of blood wastage has significant seasonal difference (p=0.001).
Findings suggest that the blood usage has an increasing tendency in all blood types except AB in 2012, while blood wastage has seasonal variations. Even though such state may not stay the same, this analysis provides enough warrants for further study.
Key words: Korea blood inventroy monitoring system, Blood management, Statistical quality control, Control chart
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Original Article : Blood Inventory Management using Control Chart  2015 ;40(3)
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