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Table of Contents | , 1982  Vol. 7  No.1 Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive
In this issue:

1 Analysis on the Effects of the Population & Family Planning Education for Women Student of University
In Dam Hwang , Young Soo Park
J Health Info Stat.1982;7(1):1-11.
11 A Study on Pregnancy Wastage Rate of Korean Married Women
Un June Park , Soon Young Park , Yang Won Park
J Health Info Stat.1982;7(1):11-33.
33 A Study on Relationship between Percent Fat and Basic Physical Fitness in Korean Urban Youth
Mi Ryung Hong , Jong Kun Kim
J Health Info Stat.1982;7(1):33-46.
47 A Study on Body Volume of Primary , Middle and High School Students in Jeiju Island .
Sung Moo Hong
J Health Info Stat.1982;7(1):47-59.
59 A Cross Sectional Study on Physical Growth and Development and Nutritional Status of School Boys and Girls in the Rural Area
Rak Hee Chung
J Health Info Stat.1982;7(1):59-67.
67 Study on the Correlation Cofficients and Pegression Equation between Body Height and Weight of Korean Youths in a Rural Island Areas
Chang Joon Choi
J Health Info Stat.1982;7(1):67-72.
73 A Study on the Awareness of Parents on the Causes of Their Mentally Retarded Children - With the Mentally Retarded Children Attending the Special Schools -
Hae Kyung Chung , Jong Kun Kim
J Health Info Stat.1982;7(1):73-87.
87 A Study on Mental Changes with Aging in Korean
Tae Hwan Park
J Health Info Stat.1982;7(1):87-116.
117 학회소식 ( 한국보건통계학회 제 7 권 1 호 , 1982 )
J Health Info Stat.1982;7(1):117-119.
119 보건학계론
J Health Info Stat.1982;7(1):119-120.
120 기초통계학
J Health Info Stat.1982;7(1):120-121.
121 과학적 연구태도와 논문작성
J Health Info Stat.1982;7(1):121-122.
122 한국보건통계학회 회칙
J Health Info Stat.1982;7(1):122-123.
Editorial Office
The Korean Society of Health Informatics and Statistics
680 gukchaebosang-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu, 41944, Korea
E-mail: koshis@hanmail.net
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