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J Health Info Stat > Volume 37(2); 2012 > Article
J Health Info Stat 2012;37(2):12-25.
간호학과 남학생과 여학생 간의 대학생활 수준에 영향을 미치는 예측변인들
이지현 , 장은영 , 이선미
The Predictors of Adaptation to College among Nursing Students and Gender Difference
Yi Hyun Ji , Eun Young Jang , Soun Mee Lee
The number of male nursing students has been increased, but there has been few study which explored their adaptation to college. The present study explored adaptation to college of male nursing students and the possible predictors, and then compared them with those of females.
Participants (269 nursing students; 200 females and 69 males) indicated their gender, age and year, and then responded to the questionnaire including the scales, such as adaptation to college, big-five factor of personality, group identification, social support, experiences of supervision, perceived advantages and disadvantages due to their gender, role model of their gender, and self-esteem after practical training.
Male nursing students perceived they were more agreeable, more open-minded, less neurotic and more adaptable to college, nevertheless more disadvantageous than females. Also, educational supervision influenced their adaptation to college of male nursing students, while female students adaptation were subjective to supportive supervision. Additionally, both of male and female nursing students perceived they were more adaptive to college, when they felt they were socially supported or they had role model of their gender.
To increased retention and adaptation to college of male nursing students, differentiated tactics specialized for gender should be considered.
Key words: Adaptation to college, Gender difference, Social support, Supervision, Role-model
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