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J Health Info Stat > Volume 34(2); 2009 > Article
J Health Info Stat 2009;34(2):153-165.
일 지역 3년제 간호대학 신입생의 학교적응에 영향을 미치는 요인
박복남 , 박종선 , 이정란
Factors affecting adaptation to school Life among nursing Junior college freshmen
Boc Nam Park , Jong Seon Park , Jeong Ran Lee
The purpose of this study is to investing factors affecting freshman adaptation to school life within a junior college of nursing.
The subjects were 282 freshmen attending a junior college of nursing within the J-city area. Students were given written consent to participate in this study. Data were collected using the following questionnaires: Rosenberg`s Self Esteem, Shere`s et al. self efficacy scale (SES), Choi`s Stress and Baker & Sirk`s School Adaptation Questionaires. Data were analyzed using SPSS 11.5 for Windows.
Subjects` adaptation to school life bears a significant positive correlation with self efficacy and self esteem and a negative correlation to stress. In general, students who chose this major independently, indicated satisfactory relationships with school friends and a higher level of adaptation than those who did not.
There is a need to develop programs of self-esteem and bonding for incoming nursing students within the junior college in order to improve and enrich adaptation to school life.
Key words: self esteem, self efficacy, stress, school adaptation
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